You can try converting it to a parcellation (mris_label2annot -- this
would just be a single label parcellation), then use mri_aparc2aseg to
convert the parcellation to a label. This should look better than using
On 4/23/11 11:07 PM, Prapti Gautam wrote:
Dear freesurfers,
I am trying to convert a surface label into a volume file so that it
can subsequently be viewed as a 3-D model. To create the label I've
followed the steps from and have thus
edited my color table LUT file.
The command I am using for this is mri_label2volume:
mri_label2vol --label test.label --temp brainmask.mgz --reg
mni152.register.dat --proj frac 0 1 .001 --subject one --hemi lh --o
However, the resultant volume file from this command is splotchy and
thus does not look ideal when viewed in tkmedit. Decreasing the delta
to very small values had no effect in making the volume render better.
Is there another way to convert a surface label that has been hand
drawn in tksurfer into a volume file that is anatomically correct?
Thanks very much for your help
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