Hi Gabriel,

for mri_glmfit, W = diag(sqrt(1./yffxvar)), ie, it is a diagonal matrix 
where each element is the square root of the inverse of the variance 
from the lower level. This changes the equation from a simple ordinary 
least squares into a weighted least squares (though not quite a true 
mixed-effects analysis).

There are not explicitly nuisance regressors in the B matrix. The B is 
the matrix of regression coefficients ("betas") based on the solution to 
the forward model y=X*B (B=inv(X'*X)*X'*y). So the frames in B depend on 
the design matrix which depend on how you've set up your FSGD (or if 
you've entered the X matrix explicitly).

I don't have another manuscript, but there is a lot of detail in the 
tutorial slides 


Gabriel A. Tobon wrote:
> Hello Freesurfers
> I would like to run a specialized group GLM analysis on the volume 
> using estimates from the individual subject analysis in Freesurfer as 
> summary statistics.  I would like to learn a little more about how 
> this estimation is done before doing so.  I have looked at the 
> documentation for "mri_glmfit" and the following tutorial:
> http://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/FsFastTutorial
> I also have your 1999/2003 manuscripts on "Signal Processing and 
> Statistical Analysis for Event-Related fMRI" and "fMRI Analysis 101 - 
> Univariate Analysis," but I am not sure if the method has been updated 
> since then.
> * I noticed there is a weight matrix (W) described for "mri_glmfit" 
> command.  How is this derived and used?  I can't find more information 
> about it in the documentation/mailing list.
> * How are the nuisance regressors organized in the B matrix?  I assume 
> the conditions are first?  What are the following regressors?
> * Do you have a similar manuscript that describes just how group 
> analysis is implemented in FsFast?
> Thank you for your time and help!
> Gabriel
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Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
MGH-NMR Center
Phone Number: 617-724-2358 
Fax: 617-726-7422

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