Hi Freesurfer users,

I have been working from the list posting below for vertex comparison of
longitudinal thickness data, although there are a couple issues I was hoping
someone could help with.

Using FS v5.0 with the fixed binaries, I have put together the following
steps for data comparison following the third step of the longitudinal
stream with their associated commands and questions (highlighted in bold). I
am sorry if it is a lot of information, although I thought it might be
useful for other users working with longitudinal analysis.




Martin Reuter mreuter at nmr.mgh.harvard.edu

Tue Jun 29 16:23:20 EDT 2010

Hi Sandra,

(and the list, I think this might be interesting for others)

1. the longitudinal ?h.thickness files are in registration (within subject)

so in order to compute the difference or the rate you can simply use:

mris_calc -o lh.outdiff sdir2/surf/lh.thickness sdir1/surf/lh.thickness

and for the rate, you can divide by time 1 thickness or by the average

thickness. If the time points are not equally spaced across subjects,

you can also divide by difference in time.

It is best to smooth the thickness files before you do all this (i.e.

within time point smooth the ?h.thickness files with mri_surf2surf).

2. then map everything to your template (e.g. fsaverage) with mri_surf2surf

3. there you can stack the thick-differences or thick-rates with


4. do the glm


Gruesse, Martin


1. Smooth surface data:

mri_surf2surf --s subj1_tp1.long.template --sval
subj1_tp1.long.template/surf/lh.thickness --tval
subj1_tp1.long.template/surf/lh.thickness.fwhm10.mgh --fwhm-src 10 --hemi lh

mri_surf2surf: could not read surface

No such file or directory

*--The longitudinal processing does not create a ?h.sphere.reg or a
?h.sphere for running mri_register. While, the registration is specific to
the longitudinal analysis, could I simply copy over the ?h.sphere.reg from
the original subject, since it is the same brain? If not, how should this be


2. Compare time point differences within subjects using mris_calc and one of
the three options:

 a. divide tp2 by tp1 - [mris_calc -o lh.NC024_thick_diff_fwhm10.mgh
subj1_tp2.long.template/surf/lh.thickness.fwhm10.mgh div

b. divide by average thickness

c. divide by between scan time difference

*--Option (a) is straight forward, although option (c) would be ideal given
that our subjects vary in time between scans. How would option (b) or © be
set up with mris_calc? Would mris_calc work for more than two time points?*

3. Register subjects' between scan difference map to fsaverage

mri_surf2surf --s lh.NC024_thickness_diff_fwhm10.mgh --trgsubject fsaverage
--tval lh.NC024_thickness_diff_fsaverage.fwhm10.mgh --fwhm-src 10 --hemi lh

*--I haven't gotten to this step yet, but I'm not sure that it will work
given that there is only a .mgh file without an associated subject? Also,
similar problem to question one (no sphere.reg).*


4. Stack subjects' difference maps using mri_concat

5. Run GLM using mri_glmfit
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