Hi Bruce,

I had tried to run recon-all on the dicoms. But the same errors show up.
This image covering whole brain is obtained (Siemens 3T) actually from a
monkey and looks good. Here is the header information from the dicom image.
According to the suggestion in Freesurfer FAQ, I run "tkregister2 --mgz --s
subj --fstal". Surprisingly, a strange image appears and looks a white line.
Seemingly the brain image is rotated to a invisible orientation. Any


Volume information for 001.mgz
          type: MGH
    dimensions: 256 x 256 x 160
   voxel sizes: 0.5000, 0.5000, 1.0000
          type: SHORT (4)
           fov: 160.000
           dof: 0
        xstart: -64.0, xend: 64.0
        ystart: -64.0, yend: 64.0
        zstart: -80.0, zend: 80.0
            TR: 2500.00 msec, TE: 4.38 msec, TI: 1100.00 msec, flip angle:
8.00 degrees
       nframes: 1
       PhEncDir: ROW
ras xform present
    xform info: x_r =  -1.0000, y_r =  -0.0000, z_r =  -0.0000, c_r =
              : x_a =  -0.0000, y_a =  -0.0000, z_a =  -1.0000, c_a =
              : x_s =   0.0000, y_s =  -1.0000, z_s =   0.0000, c_s =

talairach xfm :
Orientation   : LIP
Primary Slice Direction: coronal

voxel to ras transform:
               -0.5000  -0.0000  -0.0000    66.6988
               -0.0000  -0.0000  -1.0000    86.9217
                0.0000  -0.5000   0.0000    62.6506
                0.0000   0.0000   0.0000     1.0000

voxel-to-ras determinant 0.25

ras to voxel transform:
               -2.0000   0.0000   0.0000   133.3976
               -0.0000  -0.0000  -2.0000   125.3012
                0.0000  -1.0000   0.0000    86.9217
                0.0000   0.0000   0.0000     1.0000

2010/11/17 Bruce Fischl <fis...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>

> can you try running recon-all directly on the dicoms? Also, it's probably
> pretty noisy at .5mm in-plane - how does it look? Is it whole brain?
> On Wed, 17 Nov 2010, liang wang wrote:
>  Hi Bruce,
>> I run the command on a NIFTI image converted by dicom files. The image can
>> be skull stripped using bet in FSL, but some skulls were not removed
>> clearly. Here is the information by mri_info. It seems to me normal, but
>> several scan parameters loss. For the nifti image, I use to3d (AFNI code)
>> to
>> convert DICOM to nifti format and use 3drefit to  fix up correctly the
>> orientation.
>> #-----------------------------------
>>         type: nii
>>   dimensions: 256 x 256 x 160
>>  voxel sizes: 0.5000, 0.5000, 1.0000
>>         type: SHORT (4)
>>          fov: 128.000
>>          dof: 0
>>       xstart: -64.0, xend: -64.0
>>       ystart: -64.0, yend: -64.0
>>       zstart: -80.0, zend: -80.0
>>           TR: 0.00 msec, TE: 0.00 msec, TI: 0.00 msec, flip angle: 0.00
>> degrees
>>      nframes: 1
>>      PhEncDir: UNKNOWN
>> ras xform present
>>   xform info: x_r =   1.0000, y_r =  -0.0000, z_r =  -0.0000, c_r =
>> -2.6988
>>             : x_a =  -0.0000, y_a =  -1.0000, z_a =  -0.0000, c_a =
>> -1.3494
>>             : x_s =   0.0000, y_s =   0.0000, z_s =  -1.0000, c_s =
>> 6.9217
>> Orientation   : RPI
>> Primary Slice Direction: axial
>> voxel to ras transform:
>>               0.5000  -0.0000  -0.0000   -66.6988
>>              -0.0000  -0.5000  -0.0000    62.6506
>>               0.0000   0.0000  -1.0000    86.9217
>>               0.0000   0.0000   0.0000     1.0000
>> voxel-to-ras determinant 0.25
>> ras to voxel transform:
>>               2.0000  -0.0000  -0.0000   133.3976
>>               0.0000  -2.0000   0.0000   125.3012
>>               0.0000   0.0000  -1.0000    86.9217
>>               0.0000   0.0000   0.0000     1.0000
>> 2010/11/17 Bruce Fischl <fis...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>
>>  wow, that's a completely wacky talairach xform. Did you run this straight
>>> on the dicom images? The talairach clearly failed for some reason. Try
>>> running mri_info on the dicoms to see if there is something strange in
>>> them
>>> On Wed, 17 Nov 2010, liang wang wrote:
>>>  Hi FSusers,
>>>> The terminal displays errors when I run "recon-all -autorecon1 -subjid
>>>> ..."
>>>> to get a skull-stripped brain image. The processing exits with the
>>>> following
>>>> errors regarding talairach transformation. Here is the talairach.xfm:
>>>> MNI Transform File
>>>> % tkregister2
>>>> Transform_Type = Linear;
>>>> Linear_Transform =
>>>>  39.07553864   15.93667889  -36.86604309 -1474.05761719
>>>> 1861.34423828  844.27008057 -1897.87268066 -75416.71093750
>>>> -606.90667725 -274.30368042  622.14581299 24711.26757812 ;
>>>> Any suggestions would be appreciated.
>>>> Best,
>>>> Liang
>>>> #--------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> #...@# Talairach Failure Detection Wed Nov 17 10:15:36 EST 2010
>>>> /mnt/cd/kastner/liang/resting_state/ph_062210/fs_skull/ph/mri
>>>> talairach_afd -T 0.005 -xfm transforms/talairach.xfm
>>>> ERROR: talairach_afd: Talairach Transform: transforms/talairach.xfm
>>>> ***FAILED*** (p=0.0000, pval=0.0000 < threshold=0.0050)
>>>> Linux node37.cluster 2.6.18-128.el5 #1 SMP Wed Jan 21 10:41:14 EST 2009
>>>> x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
>>>> recon-all -s ph exited with ERRORS at Wed Nov 17 10:15:36 EST 2010
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Liang Wang, PhD
Neuroscience of Attention and Perception Laboratory
Princeton Neuroscience Institute
Princeton University
Princeton, NJ, 08540
Freesurfer mailing list

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