Dear FS experts,

I read the tutorial and don't know how to perform average all subjects' volume and surface by make_average_subject. I finish all subjects' recon-all steps and try to average them. when I type make_average_subjects --fsgd and it comes out the error message:

$Id: make_average_surface,v 2009/07/30 23:33:52 nicks Exp $
Wed Nov 17 22:35:55 CST 2010
setenv SUBJECTS_DIR /root/freesurfer/subjects/AD8
output ddir is /root/freesurfer/subjects/AD8
uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root),1(bin),2(daemon),3(sys),4(adm),6(disk),10(wheel)
Wed Nov 17 22:35:55 CST 2010
--fsgd AD8_fsgd.txt
input subjects: 00030096 00275571 04719019 06543135 06574530 07020866 08521537 08975833
output subject: average
mri_add_xform_to_header -c auto /root/freesurfer/subjects/AD8/average/mri/mni305.cor.mgz /root/freesurfer/subjects/AD8/average/mri/mni305.cor.mgz
INFO: extension is mgz

#...@# Making lh registration template ---------
mris_make_template -norot -annot aparc lh sphere.reg 00030096 00275571 04719019 06543135 06574530 07020866 08521537 08975833 lh.reg.template.tif
not aligning hemispheres before averaging.
zeroing medial wall in aparc
creating new parameterization...

processing subject 00030096 (1 of 8)
reading spherical surface /root/freesurfer/subjects/AD8/00030096/surf/lh.sphere.reg...
reading colortable from annotation file...
colortable with 36 entries read (originally /autofs/space/amaebi_026/users/buckner_cortical_atlas/scripts/colortable_final.txt)
ripping medial wall...
computing parameterization for surface /root/freesurfer/subjects/AD8/00030096/surf/lh.inflated.H...
curvature mean = -0.011, std = 0.968
computing parameterization for surface /root/freesurfer/subjects/AD8/00030096/surf/lh.sulc...
computing parameterization for surface /root/freesurfer/subjects/AD8/00030096/surf/lh.smoothwm...

processing subject 00275571 (2 of 8)
reading spherical surface /root/freesurfer/subjects/AD8/00275571/surf/lh.sphere.reg...
f[244302]->v[1] = -1 - out of range!

curvature mean = -0.001, std = 0.581
curvature mean = -0.068, std = 1.569

which steps should I perprocess before I make average surface ?




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