Dear experts,

i try to run the command mris_anatomical_stats to get GrayVol, ThickAvg,
etc from the left cortex as following:

mris_anatomical_stats -l lh.cortex.label -f nmr033_2/stats/lh.cortex.stats
nmr033_2 lh

so the output is like following and did not generate any stats
file(lh.cortex.stats) :

limiting computations to label lh.cortex.label.
reading volume /windata/yuning/freesurfer/nmr033_2/mri/wm.mgz...
reading input surface /windata/yuning/freesurfer/nmr033_2/surf/lh.white...
reading input pial surface
reading input white surface
Segmentation fault

could anyone tell me what's wrong with it and what segmentaion fault is ?

thanks a lot

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