
I have T1-weighted data from Philips 3 T scanner obtained at a resolution of
0.898 X 0.898 X 0.9 mm in both dicom (8 bit) and par/rec (pixel size =
int16) format. I would like to preserve the acquisition resolution of the
data in par/rec format; what is the best way to convert such data to mgz
format for analysis in freesurfer? A command line example would be helpful,
as I am new to freesurfer.

Thanks for your help,


Julie E. McEntee, MA, CCRP
Senior Research Program Coordinator
Department of Psychiatry- Neuroimaging
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
600 N. Wolfe St./Phipps 300
Baltimore, MD 21287
Phone: 410-502-0468
Fax: 410-614-3676

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