Hi Dominic

the big problem is that you'll never know if you have a left/right swap.

sorry :<
Tue, 3 Nov 2009, Dominic Brendon Dwyer wrote:

> Hi Bruce,
> Thanks for your quick reply. Unfortunately the images are more than 10
> years old and have only been stored on our systems in analyze format.
> I'm trying to source the original DAT tapes, but thought I'd try to fix
> the problem without them. In the main I was puzzled that tkmedit reads
> the converted image ok, but the talairach fails as if the orientation
> information was still wrong. If there are other things I could try it
> would be great to know, otherwise I'll just cross my fingers and hope
> for the tapes.
> Thanks very much.
> Dominic
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bruce Fischl [mailto:fis...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu]
> Sent: Monday, 2 November 2009 11:20 PM
> To: Dominic Brendon Dwyer
> Cc: freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
> Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] orientation problem resulting in talairach
> failure
> Hi Dominic,
> do you have access to any format previous to the analyze one? It doesn't
> preserve orientation info, and all bets are off once you go through it.
> cheers
> Bruce
> On
> Mon, 2 Nov 2009, Dominic Brendon Dwyer wrote:
>> Dear Freesurfer developers,
>> I have a few analyse images which are oriented incorrectly that are
> part
>> of a larger dataset. When viewed in tkmedit, what is supposed to be
>> coronal is actually displayed as axial and the sagittal is flipped. In
>> these cases the Talairach transform fails spectacularly.
>> To try and fix the problem I used mri_info to determine the
> orientation
>> information of my good files (LSA) and of the ones that aren't working
>> (LAS), then used mri_convert with the --in_orientation and
>> out_orientation flags to change the dimensions in analyse format. The
>> analyze images look fine in MRIcro and the orig.mgz looks fine in
>> tkmedit, but yet again the Talairach fails in the same way. I've also
>> tried this by reorienting the images using MRIcro but this has the
> same
>> result.
>> When you view the analyze images using GWRaw MRI viewer
>> http://www.wideman-one.com/gw/brain/orientation/orientterms.htm
>> (supposed to read the image file without header information), they
> look
>> the same, but I'm a bit unsure of this program.
>> I'm really at a bit of a loss to try and fix this problem now so any
>> help or suggestions would be really appreciated!
>> Many thanks,
>> Dominic
>> Melbourne Neuropsychiatry Centre
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