Dear Freesurfer developers, 


I have a few analyse images which are oriented incorrectly that are part
of a larger dataset. When viewed in tkmedit, what is supposed to be
coronal is actually displayed as axial and the sagittal is flipped. In
these cases the Talairach transform fails spectacularly. 


To try and fix the problem I used mri_info to determine the orientation
information of my good files (LSA) and of the ones that aren't working
(LAS), then used mri_convert with the --in_orientation and
out_orientation flags to change the dimensions in analyse format. The
analyze images look fine in MRIcro and the orig.mgz looks fine in
tkmedit, but yet again the Talairach fails in the same way. I've also
tried this by reorienting the images using MRIcro but this has the same


When you view the analyze images using GWRaw MRI viewer
(supposed to read the image file without header information), they look
the same, but I'm a bit unsure of this program. 


I'm really at a bit of a loss to try and fix this problem now so any
help or suggestions would be really appreciated! 


Many thanks,



Melbourne Neuropsychiatry Centre





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