Hi Estephan,

1. Can't you just save tiffs of each of the different views and put them 
together in photoshop?

2. You can write tcl scripts to do this kind of thing. For example

set min_p 0
set max_p 36

for {set pno $min_p } { $pno <= $max_p} {incr pno 1} {

     set fname $hemi.angle${pno}[format "%04d" $pno].tif
     save_tiff $fname
     puts "finished saving tiff file $fname"
     rotate_brain_y 10

then run

tksurfer $subject $hemi inflated -tcl make_movie.tcl


On Sun, 1 Nov 2009, Estephan Moana wrote:

> Hello FreeSurfer experts,
> I am playing with displaying FEAT output over the 3D pial surface provided by 
> FS. I was wondering if somebody knows how to:
>  1. See both hemispheres side-by-side at the same time (both pial and
>     inflated, if possible);
>  2. Make a video of the output 3D brain rotating at a certain axis
>     (x,y or z), and maybe transitioning from pial to inflated surface.
>     This may not really matters for scientific purposes, but it should
>     produce some "wows" during lectures and thesis defense (my goal).
>     AFNI does it, but its rendering option makes the image grainy,
>     resulting in a video with poor resolution.
> Thank you.
> Estephan Moana, DDS
> Graduate Student
> Oral Biology PhD Program - Neurobiology track
> School of Dentistry, UNC- Chapel Hill
> 2140 Old Dental Building, CB# 7455
> Chapel Hill, NC 27599
> Phone: (919) 966-5680  Fax: (919) 966-5339
> mo...@email.unc.edu
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