hmmm, no idea. Can you send me the recon-all.log file for that subject?
Tue, 13 Oct 2009, Angel Wong wrote:
> Hi Bruce
> I have downloaded the latest version (v4.5.0) and tried again. But
> unfortunately, I cannot reproduce the results same as yours. The new
> generated results are similar to the results generated by the older version.
> The command I used is
> recon-all -i <directory that contains COR files> -s <subjectid> -sd
> <subjects_dir> -all
> and I viewed the images using
> tkmedit <subjectid> brainmask.mgz lh.white -aux-surface rh.white
> I am wondering why there is a big difference between your results and mine.
> Is there any pre-setting needed before running the recon-all or additional
> arguments needed during the processing?
> Cheers
> Angel
> 2009/10/11 Angel Wong <>
>> Hi Nick
>> Thanks for your suggestion. I will look at it in detail later.
>> Angel
>> 2009/10/10 Nick Schmansky <>
>> Angel,
>>> I noticed you have problems with some remaining dura in your images. you
>>> might want to try a new utility that is being tested for inclusion in a
>>> future release.  Its from a group in Singapore, and does a good job
>>> removing dura.  Its called:
>>> mri_gcut
>>> and can be downloaded for the linux and mac platforms from here:
>>> copy it to your $FREESURFER_HOME/bin
>>> usage (with reference to paper) is found in:
>>> mri_gcut --help
>>> and intended usage is:
>>> cd subjid/mri
>>> mri_gcut -110 -mult brainmask.mgz T1.mgz brainmask.mgz
>>> then run:
>>> recon-all -s subjid -autorecon2 -autorecon3
>>> but of course inspect the brainmask.mgz to see if actually helped.
>>> (bruce, can you point me at her image?  i can run it locally)
>>> Nick
>>> On Sat, 2009-10-10 at 21:46 +0800, Angel Wong wrote:
>>>> My version is 4.3.0. I will download the latest version and try again.
>>>> Thank you.
>>>> 2009/10/10 Bruce Fischl <>
>>>>         I didn't do anything but run recon-all with the latest
>>>>         version. Remind me what version you were running?
>>>>         On Sat, 10 Oct 2009, Angel Wong wrote:
>>>>                 Hi Bruce
>>>>                 Thank you very much. The result looks much better than
>>>>                 mine. How did you do
>>>>                 that? Please let me know so that I can modify the
>>>>                 other datasets if I face
>>>>                 the same situation again.
>>>>                 Cheers
>>>>                 Angel
>>>>                 2009/10/10 Bruce Fischl <>
>>>>                         Hi Angel,
>>>>                         I'm just about done running the dataset and
>>>>                         the results actually look ok
>>>>                         (see attached tif). I didn't intervene at all,
>>>>                         although you would want to to
>>>>                         get rid of some non-brain tissue that the pial
>>>>                         surface is grabbing, but
>>>>                         that's pretty easy. Did you minimize your TE?
>>>>                         I don't know what your
>>>>                         gradient set is, but usually you can get your
>>>>                         TE down a bit more than that.
>>>>                         You also might be better off sacrificing a bit
>>>>                         of resolution and lengthening
>>>>                         your TR
>>>>                          cheers,
>>>>                         Bruce
>>>>                         On Thu, 8 Oct 2009, Angel Wong wrote:
>>>>                          Thanks a lot with your help. This is because
>>>>                         we want to perform quite a
>>>>                                 number of functional runs on the same
>>>>                                 subject at the same session. So we
>>>>                                 tried to shorten the T1 scan time to
>>>>                                 minimize the motion artifacts come
>>>>                                 from
>>>>                                 the subject.
>>>>                                 Attached please find the orig.mgz for
>>>>                                 your information.
>>>>                                 2009/10/8 Bruce Fischl
>>>>                                 <>
>>>>                                  I see. Your TR is quite short and
>>>>                                 your TE relatively long, so this is
>>>>                                         probably pretty poor CNR
>>>>                                         between gray and white. If you
>>>>                                         send me the
>>>>                                         orig.mgz
>>>>                                         I'll take a look and see if
>>>>                                         it's fixable
>>>>                                         On Thu, 8 Oct 2009, Angel Wong
>>>>                                         wrote:
>>>>                                          Hi Bruce
>>>>                                                 Attached please find
>>>>                                                 the parameters for
>>>>                                                 acquiring the T1
>>>>                                                 image.
>>>>                                                 Thank you for your
>>>>                                                 help.
>>>>                                                 Angel
>>>>                                                 2009/10/8 Bruce Fischl
>>>>                                                 <
>>>>                                                  eek, that looks
>>>>                                                 pretty bad. Can you
>>>>                                                 tell us what the
>>>>                                                 acquisition
>>>>                                                         parameters
>>>>                                                         are?
>>>>                                                         On Thu, 8 Oct
>>>>                                                         2009, Angel
>>>>                                                         Wong wrote:
>>>>                                                          Dear all
>>>>                                                                 Actually
>>> I would like to perform automated reconstruction for my T1
>>>>                                                                 image
>>>>                                                                 and
>>>>                                                                 then
>>>>                                                                 obtain
>>> anatomical labels after cortical parcellation. I have
>>>>                                                                 done
>>>>                                                                 fully
>>> automated reconstruction using recon-all. But for my case, the
>>>>                                                                 white
>>>>                                                                 and
>>>>                                                                 grey
>>>>                                                                 matter
>>> segmentation appears to be weird. The green line seems
>>>>                                                                 laying
>>>>                                                                 on the
>>>>                                                                 pial
>>>>                                                                 surface
>>> rather than on the white surface, and the
>>>>                                                                 red
>>>>                                                                 line
>>>>                                                                 seems
>>> including some non-brain structures (including small
>>>>                                                                 portion
>>>>                                                                 of
>>>>                                                                 CSF
>>>>                                                                 and
>>>>                                                                 skull).
>>> Thus, the resultant cortical thickness appears to be
>>>>                                                                 very
>>>>                                                                 thin
>>>>                                                                 after
>>>>                                                                 the
>>> segmentation. I just doubt if anything was going wrong
>>>>                                                                 during
>>>>                                                                 the
>>> procedure. Or need any preprocessing to enhance the segmentation
>>>>                                                                 quality
>>>>                                                                 before
>>> performing the reconstruction? If you have had similar
>>> situation
>>>>                                                                 as
>>>>                                                                 mine,
>>>>                                                                 please
>>>>                                                                 let me
>>>>                                                                 know
>>>>                                                                 how to
>>>>                                                                 tackle
>>>>                                                                 the
>>>>                                                                 problem.
>>>>                                                                 Attached
>>> please find the images for better illustration.
>>> fs_image_brain.tiff - use brain.mgz as aux volume
>>> fs_image_norm.tiff - use norm.mgz as aux volume
>>> fs_image_brainmask.tiff - use brainmask.mgz as aux volume and load
>>> segmentation file aseg.mgz
>>>>                                                                 Thanks
>>>>                                                                 Angel
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