I see. Your TR is quite short and your TE relatively long, so this is 
probably pretty poor CNR between gray and white. If you send me the 
orig.mgz I'll take a look and see if it's fixable
On Thu, 8 Oct 2009, Angel 
Wong wrote:

> Hi Bruce
> Attached please find the parameters for acquiring the T1 image.
> Thank you for your help.
> Angel
> 2009/10/8 Bruce Fischl <fis...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>
>> eek, that looks pretty bad. Can you tell us what the acquisition parameters
>> are?
>> On Thu, 8 Oct 2009, Angel Wong wrote:
>>  Dear all
>>> Actually I would like to perform automated reconstruction for my T1 image
>>> and then obtain anatomical labels after cortical parcellation. I have done
>>> fully automated reconstruction using recon-all. But for my case, the white
>>> and grey matter segmentation appears to be weird. The green line seems
>>> laying on the pial surface rather than on the white surface, and the red
>>> line seems including some non-brain structures (including small portion of
>>> CSF and skull). Thus, the resultant cortical thickness appears to be very
>>> thin after the segmentation. I just doubt if anything was going wrong
>>> during
>>> the procedure. Or need any preprocessing to enhance the segmentation
>>> quality
>>> before performing the reconstruction? If you have had similar situation as
>>> mine, please let me know how to tackle the problem.
>>> Attached please find the images for better illustration.
>>> fs_image_brain.tiff - use brain.mgz as aux volume
>>> fs_image_norm.tiff - use norm.mgz as aux volume
>>> fs_image_brainmask.tiff - use brainmask.mgz as aux volume and load
>>> segmentation file aseg.mgz
>>> Thanks
>>> Angel
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