Hi Elisa (and Joost)

It is definitely (*) possible to feed custom segmentations through the 
FreeSurfer stream and have surfaces be constructed.

I can sketch the general idea here, but will need to check the system we 
actually used for all the detail.

Basically, given a GM segmentation you need to construct synthetic 
'brainmask.mgz', 'filled.mgz', and 'wm.mgz' volumes. For the most part,
you can use monochromatic intensity values in each constituent lh and rh 
segmentation (i.e. for the brainmask.mgz all the rh gray matter voxels 
can be set to something like 81, all the lh voxels to 82; the white 
matter rh voxels to 111 and the lh voxels to 112 -- or something 
thereabouts). Similarly for the 'filled.mgz' and the 'wm.mgz' volumes -- 
although the intensities in these were a bit different. I'll have to check.

Once you've created these, you essentially start the recon-all stream 
quite a bit "downstream". I've forgotten where exactly, but can look. 
Although where we jump started the stream back then probably doesn't 
translate directly to today's FreeSurfer.

Having said all this, note the following:

1. We implemented this several years ago on what was current then for 
FreeSurfer. The recon-all stream has evolved quite a bit since then and 
our specific "hacks" might not be exactly applicable anymore. Especially 
as regards at what "downstream" point to start FreeSurfer. We haven't 
used this system since that work finished.

2. The 'pial' surfaces did not reconstruct correctly. Since our interest 
at the time was limited to the gray/white junction, this was fine. I 
suspect that using a monochromatic intensity for the wm values was 
probably the problem. I remember experimenting with intensity gradients 
applied across the wm volumes, but don't think any results were 
satisfactory for the 'pial' surfaces.

If you'd like more info, feel free to ping me directly.


(*) perhaps 'definitely' is too strong. It is mostly possible... :-P

Elisa Dell'Oglio wrote:
> Hi Rudolph,
> I was wondering if you could give me any hint regarding how to use an 
> apriori GM segmentation in freesurfer. I basically already have a good 
> segmentation of GM vs WM and CSF from spm and would like to use this 
> towards the computing cortical thickness.
> Thanks,
> Elisa
> 2009/10/7 Bruce Fischl <fis...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu 
> <mailto:fis...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>>
>     Hi Elisa,
>     Rudolph Pienaar (ccd) put together something for this I think.
>     cheers
>     Bruce
>     On Wed, 7 Oct 2009, Elisa Dell'Oglio wrote:
>         Hi all,
>         I have a question regarding cortical thickness estimation in
>         freesurfer. I
>         was wondering whether it is possible to input in freesurfer the
>         gray matter
>         segmentation as an a priori.
>         Specifically, I run freesurfer on a set of cases on which I
>         previously run
>         spm and obtained a good discrimination between GM, WM and CSF.
>         I would like to use these segmentation instead to proceed with
>         manual edits
>         on freesurfer segmentation output for gray matter segmentation, that
>         sometimes was not segmented correctly. Would this be possible?
>         Thanks a lot,
>         Elisa

Rudolph Pienaar, M.Eng, D.Eng / email: rudo...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
MGH/MIT/HMS Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging
149 (2301) 13th Street, Charlestown, MA 02129 USA
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