The max is  the -log10(p), bounded below by -log10(CWP) for positive
correlations Hence with an  -log10(CWP) of 4, the Max
will be greater than 4, and will specify the maximum -log10(p) value in that
cluster, occuring at VtxMax
Is this right for -log10(p) kind if input? This is how i have been
interpreting my results so far, and i just want
to be sure......
I was also wondering why -log10(p) transformation has been used for this
kind of visualization? SPM displays
SPM_{z} scores, and that seems a better way to report the spms. Is -log10(p)
an approximation to z-scores ?

On Thu, Jun 4, 2009 at 9:53 AM, Judith Segall <> wrote:

> Thanks, for you responses Doug and Pratap. But, both of your responses need
> more clarification, because I believe that we are not all referring to the
> same 'max'.
> Doug:
>   I understand that when I display the sig.cluster.mgh that the a CWP value
> of 0.0001 would be displayed as a 4 by the color bar in tksurfer, since it
> is the -log10(p). However, in this case, which is about the cluster growing
> summary, the -log10(p) of the CWP does not equal the Max. Max is -3.312 and
> the CWP is 0.08250. Or an additional example form another
> sig.cluster.summary, where the Max is -4.310 and the CWP is 0.0192.
> ClusterNo  Max   VtxMax   Size(mm^2)  TalX   TalY   TalZ    CWP
> CWPLow    CWPHi    NVtxs   Annot
>    1           -4.310   40526    376.78        -12.0  -66.1    5.4
> 0.01920  0.01750       0.02100   706      lingual
> In Pratap's email his answer to my question of what is the max in the CWP
> is,  "Yes thickness. The MAX indicates the maximum -log10(pvalue) in that
> cluster." Which, is stating that it is both the thickness and the pvalue. I
> really think that it is thickness measure, but need some clarification from
> mgh.
> So, is the Max in column 2 of the cluster growing summary report, from
> monte carlo simulations, thickness?
> Thanks,
> Judith S.
> On Thu, Jun 4, 2009 at 9:25 AM, Douglas N Greve <
> > wrote:
>> It will be whatever you used as input. In this case, it is the -log10(p)
>> value of the maximum in the cluster (not the thickness value).
>> doug
>> Pratap Kunwar wrote:
>>> Hi Judith,
>>> Yes thickness. The MAX indicates the maximum -log10(pvalue) in that
>>> cluster.
>>>> Hi all. After looking over our monte-carlo results, I a simple question
>>>> about the sig.cluster.summary output.
>>>> Is the " Max" in column 2 below a measurement of thickness?
>>>> thickness, is the correct interpretation the following: the most
>>>> significant
>>>> cluster is in the laterorbitofrontal region.
>>> yes at lateral orbital frontal.
>>> The max vertex in that
>>>> cluster
>>>> has an average thickness of 3.312 mm and the negative directionality
>>>> indicates that it is thinner in that region than in the fsaverage (from
>>>> freesufer) used in the group analysis/simulations?
>>> yes you are correct.
>>>> If it does not refer to thickness, is it a statistic, etc?
>>>> # Minimum Threshold 2
>>>> # Maximum Threshold infinity
>>>> # Threshold Sign    abs
>>>> # AdjustThreshWhenOneTail 1
>>>> # Area Threshold    0 mm^2
>>>> # CSD thresh  2.000000
>>>> # CSD nreps    10000
>>>> # CSD simtype  mc-z
>>>> # CSD contrast lh-Avg-thickness-CAQ-CCI
>>>> # CSD confint  90.000000
>>>> # Overall max 2.05497 at vertex 92846
>>>> # Overall min -3.3122 at vertex 60632
>>>> # NClusters          11
>>>> # Total Cortical Surface Area 65416.6 (mm^2)
>>>> # FixMNI = 1
>>>> #
>>>> # ClusterNo  Max   VtxMax   Size(mm^2)  TalX   TalY   TalZ    CWP
>>>> CWPLow    CWPHi   NVtxs   Annot
>>>>   1       -3.312   60632    278.00    -15.2   47.7  -15.4  0.08250
>>>> 0.07900  0.08600   341  lateralorbitofrontal
>>>>   2       -3.231   51202    118.54    -39.5   24.9   16.9  0.53620
>>>> 0.52980  0.54260   212  rostralmiddlefrontal
>>>>   3       -3.229   67407    163.06    -19.2   12.0   46.9  0.36360
>>>> 0.35740  0.36980   337  superiorfrontal
>>>>   4       -2.463  117667     37.51    -47.8  -50.8    8.0  0.63240
>>>> 0.62620  0.63860    79  bankssts
>>>>   5       -2.379  151243     12.92    -30.9  -42.8   36.6  0.63240
>>>> 0.62620  0.63860    38  superiorparietal
>>>> I am trying to finish writing up my results and just need answer to this
>>>> question to continue.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Judith S.
>>>> Mind Research Network
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>> Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
>> MGH-NMR Center
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