Hi yczhang,
the smoothing only considers the topology of the surface, so smoothing on
the white and the pial are equivalent.
On Tue, 2 Jun 2009,
Zhangyuanchao wrote:
I am still not quite clear about the averaging of curvature. Sorry about that.
could you tell me exactly which function I should use, and How should I choose
each parameter?
First, I get the curvature value of the pial surface, I think I should average
the curvature value on the pial surface, perhaps not on white surface, I read
help, It seems that It is smoothed on the white surface. How shoud I use the
pial to smooth. And I want to keep format of the output file same to the
lh.pial.H.crv , and the only difference is the scalar value is smoothed.
Second, I want to obtain the absolute value of the scalar, In this step I will launch
Third, I want to resample and smooth it using kernel fwhm 20mm.
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