What version are you using? I just checked this on my current version
(and this part has not changed in a long time), and it gave the same
result in the mask regardless of whether I masked the input or not. One
thing that I did find is that it will smooth the vertices that are
outside the mask but immediately adjacent to it. This should be a small
effect but it might be misinterpreted as differences inside the mask.
Gregory Dierksen wrote:
You are correct, surf2surf is not changing the values from out side
the masked region. However the problem is that in smoothing the values
inside the masked region surf2surf appears to be incorporating values
from outside the masked region (even if its not smoothing these
"outside" values).
What I would like to do is to restrict surf2surf to smoothing only
within the mask and not use any values that lie outside of it.
I apologize if I'm being unclear, I'm at a bit of a loss for out to
accurately describe this.
On Thu, 14 May 2009, Douglas N Greve wrote:
mri_surf2surf will not change the values outside of the mask (those
will be left unsmoothed). Is there an actual difference in the mask?
Gregory Dierksen wrote:
I want to smooth a cortical thickness map using values only in a
area. Basically I want to mask out all other segmentations, for example
smooth with fwhm of 20 only in the postcentral region.
I've used quite a few combinations of the -label-src and -label-trg
and noticed a slight problem:
Using the command line (which seems to give the "best" results):
mri_surf2surf --hemi rh --s fsaverage --sval ./rh.Input.mgh --fwhm 20
--label-trg ./postcentral.label --tval rh.Output.mgz
When the rh.Input.mgh has been masked before running surf2surf using
postcentral.label (so only the postcentral region is non-zero), I get
DIFFERENT values than if rh.Input.mgh is NOT previously masked by
postcentral.label (ie ALL verticies have non-zero values inside and
outside postcentral region).
How can I get mri_surf2surf (or perhaps some other command) to
smooth only
within a specified region without taking values from outside this
Thanks for the help,
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Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
MGH-NMR Center
Phone Number: 617-724-2358
Fax: 617-726-7422
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