mri_surf2surf will not change the values outside of the mask (those will be left unsmoothed). Is there an actual difference in the mask?


Gregory Dierksen wrote:


I want to smooth a cortical thickness map using values only in a specific area. Basically I want to mask out all other segmentations, for example smooth with fwhm of 20 only in the postcentral region.

I've used quite a few combinations of the -label-src and -label-trg flags and noticed a slight problem:

Using the command line (which seems to give the "best" results):

mri_surf2surf --hemi rh --s fsaverage --sval ./rh.Input.mgh --fwhm 20 --label-trg ./postcentral.label --tval rh.Output.mgz

When the rh.Input.mgh has been masked before running surf2surf using postcentral.label (so only the postcentral region is non-zero), I get DIFFERENT values than if rh.Input.mgh is NOT previously masked by postcentral.label (ie ALL verticies have non-zero values inside and outside postcentral region).

How can I get mri_surf2surf (or perhaps some other command) to smooth only within a specified region without taking values from outside this region?

Thanks for the help,

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Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
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