Hi all,

I have two problems here.

1. talairach.xfm
    By browsing through the mailing list, it seems that talairach.xfm was
not used much in the recon-all process which is quite different from the
table given at 
https://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/ReconAllFilesVsSteps. We did find
many subjects with bad talairach transformation but reasonable segmentation
and surface reconstruction (version 3.05). Are the results (volumes and
cortical thickness) for those subjects still trustworthy? Can you kindly
clarify the importance of talairach.xfm in the pipeline? And since the new
method of eTIV uses this transformation, is there any way to ensure manual
registration is fine enough to be used for this estimation, if I have to
manually register those subjects mentioned above?

2. recon-all -long
    We processed our data with the longitudinal pipeline. So far we only
found 6 subjects failed among 200 subjects (tp1 corrected). All these 6
subjects seemed to have problem during the registration from tp2 to tp1. I
used the command "tkmedit -f tp2.long.tp1/mri/orig.mgz -aux
tp2.long.tp1/mri/orig_tp1_to_tp2.long.tp1.mgz" and realized they were not
aligned. I have tried different cost functions using
"fsl_rigid_registration". All of them gave the same result. Is there any way
I can do the manual registration? I used "fsl_rigid_registration" because no
matter which cost function I specified to recon-all -long, it would call
"fsl_rigid_registration" with corratio as the cost function.

Thanks in advance,
Zheng Hui

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