Looks like it's working again!
Thanks for fixing it, Doug, and for pointing out that it was fixed, Pratap!

On Fri, Jan 9, 2009 at 3:54 PM, Kara Dyckman <k...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu> wrote:
> Thanks Pratap,
> I'll try it again.
> Kara
> Pratap Kunwar wrote:
>> Kara and Lauren,
>> I think Doug has fixed this problem. i had similar problem but it is
>> working now.
>> pratap
>>> Hi Lauren (and Doug),
>>>> I'm having the same issue.  I ran montecarlo simulations on Friday and
>>>> then
>>>> tried to use the results in mri_surfcluster.  It ran, but I also got the
>>>> same CWP values (-0.10000) for each cluster in the sum file.
>>>> Also, when it runs, it gives a CEPHES ERROR.  Here is what I get:
>>>> INFO: you have selected subject average7 (and REALLY want to use it)
>>>> instead of fsaverage. So I'm going to turn off fixing of vertex area
>>>> to maintain compatibility with the pre-stable3 release.
>>>> thsign = abs, id = 0
>>>> version $Id: mri_surfcluster.c,v 2008/12/31 16:06:00 greve Exp
>>>> $
>>>> hemi           = rh
>>>> srcid          =
>>>> ./group_analysis/chronic18/glmfit/EMerror/rh.ASvfix_4.chronic18.glmdir/osgm/sig.mgh
>>>> srcsubjid      = average7
>>>> srcsurf        = white
>>>> srcframe       = 0
>>>> thsign         = abs
>>>> thmin          = 3
>>>> thmax          = inf
>>>> fdr            = -1
>>>> minarea        = 0
>>>> xfmfile        = talairach.xfm
>>>> nth         = -1
>>>> outid    =
>>>> /space/ventzl/8/users/oldstream/group_analysis/chronic18/glmfit/EMerror/rh.ASvfix_4.chronic18.glmdir/osgm/sig.cluster.p001.MCSIM.rh.ASvfix_4.chronic18.nii
>>>> nii
>>>> ocnid    =
>>>> /space/ventzl/8/users/oldstream/group_analysis/chronic18/glmfit/EMerror/rh.ASvfix_4.chronic18.glmdir/osgm/sig.cluster.p001.MCSIM.rh.ASvfix_4.chronic18.ocn.nii
>>>> nii
>>>> sumfile  =
>>>> /space/ventzl/8/users/oldstream/group_analysis/chronic18/glmfit/EMerror/rh.ASvfix_4.chronic18.glmdir/osgm/sig.cluster.p001.MCSIM.rh.ASvfix_4.chronic18.sum
>>>> subjectsdir    = /space/ventzl/1/users/SUBJECTS_DIR
>>>> FixMNI = 1
>>>> ------------- XFM matrix (RAS2RAS) ---------------
>>>> /space/ventzl/1/users/SUBJECTS_DIR/average7/mri/transforms/talairach.xfm
>>>> 1.000   0.000   0.000   0.000;
>>>> 0.000   1.000   0.000   0.000;
>>>> 0.000   0.000   1.000   0.000;
>>>> 0.000   0.000   0.000   1.000;
>>>> ----------------------------------------------------
>>>> Reading source surface
>>>> /space/ventzl/1/users/SUBJECTS_DIR/average7/surf/rh.white
>>>> Done reading source surface
>>>> Reading annotation
>>>> /space/ventzl/1/users/SUBJECTS_DIR/average7/label/rh.aparc.annot
>>>> reading colortable from annotation file...
>>>> colortable with 85 entries read (originally
>>>> /space/neo/5/recon/christophe/Simple_surface_labels2002.txt)
>>>> Computing metric properties
>>>> Loading source values
>>>> number of voxels in search space = 163842
>>>> Done loading source values (nvtxs = 163842)
>>>> overall max = 9.2406 at vertex 150454
>>>> overall min = -4.29783 at vertex 159827
>>>> surface nvertices 163842
>>>> surface area 98024.702210
>>>> surface area 65349.801473
>>>> NOT Adjusting threshold for 1-tailed test
>>>> Searching for Clusters ...
>>>> thmin=3.000000 (3.000000), thmax=inf (inf), thsignid=0, minarea=0.000000
>>>> Found 23 clusters
>>>> Max cluster size 2791.366699
>>>> INFO: fixing MNI talairach coordinates
>>>> ***
>>>> CEPHES ERROR: bdtr (p < 0.0) domain error
>>>> ***
>>>> ***
>>>> CEPHES ERROR: bdtr (p < 0.0) domain error
>>>> ***
>>>> ***
>>>> CEPHES ERROR: bdtr (p < 0.0) domain error
>>>> ***
>>>> ***
>>>> CEPHES ERROR: bdtr (p < 0.0) domain error
>>>> ***
>>>> ***
>>>> CEPHES ERROR: bdtr (p < 0.0) domain error
>>>> ***
>>>> ***
>>>> CEPHES ERROR: bdtr (p < 0.0) domain error
>>>> ***
>>>> ***
>>>> CEPHES ERROR: bdtr (p < 0.0) domain error
>>>> ***
>>>> ***
>>>> CEPHES ERROR: bdtr (p < 0.0) domain error
>>>> ***
>>>> ***
>>>> CEPHES ERROR: bdtr (p < 0.0) domain error
>>>> ***
>>>> ***
>>>> CEPHES ERROR: bdtr (p < 0.0) domain error
>>>> ***
>>>> ***
>>>> CEPHES ERROR: bdtr (p < 0.0) domain error
>>>> ***
>>>> ***
>>>> CEPHES ERROR: bdtr (p < 0.0) domain error
>>>> ***
>>>> ***
>>>> CEPHES ERROR: bdtr (p < 0.0) domain error
>>>> ***
>>>> ***
>>>> CEPHES ERROR: bdtr (p < 0.0) domain error
>>>> ***
>>>> ***
>>>> CEPHES ERROR: bdtr (p < 0.0) domain error
>>>> ***
>>>> ***
>>>> CEPHES ERROR: bdtr (p < 0.0) domain error
>>>> ***
>>>> ***
>>>> CEPHES ERROR: bdtr (p < 0.0) domain error
>>>> ***
>>>> ***
>>>> CEPHES ERROR: bdtr (p < 0.0) domain error
>>>> ***
>>>> ***
>>>> CEPHES ERROR: bdtr (p < 0.0) domain error
>>>> ***
>>>> ***
>>>> CEPHES ERROR: bdtr (p < 0.0) domain error
>>>> ***
>>>> ***
>>>> CEPHES ERROR: bdtr (p < 0.0) domain error
>>>> ***
>>>> ***
>>>> CEPHES ERROR: bdtr (p < 0.0) domain error
>>>> ***
>>>> ***
>>>> CEPHES ERROR: bdtr (p < 0.0) domain error
>>>> ***
>>>> Saving thresholded output to
>>>> /space/ventzl/8/users/oldstream/group_analysis/chronic18/glmfit/EMerror/rh.ASvfix_4.chronic18.glmdir/osgm/sig.cluster.p001.MCSIM.rh.ASvfix_4.chronic18.nii
>>>> NIFTI FORMAT WARNING: ncols 163842 in input exceeds 32768.
>>>> So I'm going to put the true ncols in glmin and set dim[1]=-1.
>>>> This should be ok within FreeSurfer, but you will not be
>>>> able to use this volume with other software.
>>>> Saving cluster numbers to
>>>> /space/ventzl/8/users/oldstream/group_analysis/chronic18/glmfit/EMerror/rh.ASvfix_4.chronic18.glmdir/osgm/sig.cluster.p001.MCSIM.rh.ASvfix_4.chronic18.ocn.nii
>>>> NIFTI FORMAT WARNING: ncols 163842 in input exceeds 32768.
>>>> So I'm going to put the true ncols in glmin and set dim[1]=-1.
>>>> This should be ok within FreeSurfer, but you will not be
>>>> able to use this volume with other software.
>>>> Kara
>>> Lauren LaCount wrote:
>>>> Hi Everyone,
>>>> I'm having a bit of a problem with mri_surfcluster. I ran it alright
>>>> last week on the right hemisphere, and now am unable to get it to run
>>>> through with the left.
>>>> First I'm running mri_glmfit to get .csd files with 10000 iterations
>>>> (split into 10 runs to speed things up), and then I'm running
>>>> mri_surfcluster with something like:
>>>> mri_surfcluster --in
>>>> ../SENS/xrun_gavg/lh.osgm.0.5frac.mfx/osgm/sig.mgh --subject average
>>>> --hemi lh --surf white --annot aparc.a2005s --csd
>>>> ../csdfiles/mcz_SENS_lh_10000_
>>>> mfx_0.5frac_th01_1of10-osgm.csd --csd
>>>> ../csdfiles/mcz_SENS_lh_10000_mfx_0.5frac_th01_2of10-osgm.csd --csd
>>>> ../csdfiles/mcz_SENS_lh_10000_mfx_0.5frac_th01_3of10-osgm.csd --csd
>>>> ../csdfiles/mcz_SENS_lh_10000_mfx_0.5frac_th01_4of10-osgm.csd --csd
>>>> ../csdfiles/mcz_SENS_lh_10000_mfx_0.5frac_th01_5of10-osgm.csd --csd
>>>> ../csdfiles/mcz_SENS_lh_10000_mfx_0.5frac_th01_6of10-osgm.csd --csd
>>>> ../csdfiles/mcz_SENS_lh_10000_mfx_0.5frac_th01_7of10-osgm.csd --csd
>>>> ../csdfiles/mcz_SENS_lh_10000_mfx_0.5frac_th01_8of10-osgm.csd --csd
>>>> ../csdfiles/mcz_SENS_lh_10000_mfx_0.5frac_th01_9of10-osgm.csd --csd
>>>> ../csdfiles/mcz_SENS_lh_10000_mfx_0.5frac_th01_10of10-osgm.csd --sum
>>>> ./clusters_mcz_SENS_lh_10000_mfx_0.5frac_th01/sum_mcz_SENS_lh_10000_m
>>>> fx_0.5frac_th01 --csdpdf
>>>> ./clusters_mcz_SENS_lh_10000_mfx_0.5frac_th01/csdpdf_mcz_SENS_lh_10000_m
>>>> fx_0.5frac_th01 --vwsig
>>>> ./clusters_mcz_SENS_lh_10000_mfx_0.5frac_th01/vwsig_mcz_SENS_lh_10000_mfx_0.5frac_th01.mgh
>>>> --cwsig
>>>> /clusters_mcz_SENS_lh_10000_mfx_0.5frac_th01/cwsig_mcz_SENS_lh_10000_mfx_0.5frac_th01.mgh
>>>> --o
>>>> ./clusters_mcz_SENS_lh_10000_mfx_0.5frac_th01/out_mcz_SENS_lh_10000_mfx_0.5frac_th01
>>>> --ocn
>>>> ./clusters_mcz_SENS_lh_10000_mfx_0.5frac_th01/ocn_mcz_SENS_lh_10000_mfx_0.5frac_th01
>>>> --olab
>>>> ./clusters_mcz_SENS_lh_10000_mfx_0.5frac_th01/labels/labels_mcz_SENS_lh_10000_mfx_0.5frac_th01
>>>> (in summary: mri_surfcluster --in x --subject average --hemi lh --surf
>>>> white --annot aparc.a2005s --csd x1 --csd x2 ... --csd x10 --sum x
>>>> --csdpdf x --vwsig x.mgh --cwsig x.mgh --o x --ocn x --olab x)
>>>> When I try to run this I get a segmentation fault. If i take out
>>>> --csdpdf it will run, but the cluster-wise probabilities in the "sum"
>>>> file are all the same (-0.1 for one time I tried it, and something
>>>> like -17 the other time), and the nrep in the sum file is -2 (or -10
>>>> the other time I tried) instead of 10000.
>>>> Does anyone have any idea what I could be doing wrong? I think
>>>> everything was recently updated (probably because of the cluster size
>>>> bug?) because I can no longer re-run last week's right hemisphere
>>>> analysis using the same csd files (tried this for troubleshooting), so
>>>> maybe I have to start doing something differently with the new version
>>>> of this command with the left hemisphere?
>>>> Thank you!
>>>> -Lauren
>>> --
>>> Kara A. Dyckman, Ph.D.
>>> Postdoctoral Fellow, Manoach Lab
>>> Psychiatric Neuroimaging
>>> Massachusetts General Hospital
>>> Charlestown Navy Yard
>>> 149 13th St.
>>> Charlestown, MA  02129
>>> email: k...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
>>> phone: 617-724-4604
>>> fax: 617-726-4078
>>> http://nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/manoachlab
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> --
> Kara A. Dyckman, Ph.D.
> Postdoctoral Fellow, Manoach Lab
> Psychiatric Neuroimaging
> Massachusetts General Hospital
> Charlestown Navy Yard
> 149 13th St.
> Charlestown, MA  02129
> email: k...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
> phone: 617-724-4604
> fax: 617-726-4078
> http://nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/manoachlab
> _______________________________________________
> Freesurfer mailing list
> Freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
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Lauren LaCount
Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging
Massachusetts General Hospital
CNY 149, 13th St.
Charlestown, MA 02129
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