How many vertices does that subject have and is there a prime factor
less than 2^15?
On Thu, 6 Nov 2008, Akram Bakkour wrote:
Thanks for adapting fslcal.fsl to work on surfaces Doug. This is very
helpful. It was working for me until today.
I'm working on thigpen.
setenv SUBJECTS_DIR /space/brich_004/users/akram/HRDEV_processing
mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 03222007_4TT_clindem47 --sval \
03222007_4TT_clindem47/surf/rh.thickness --trgsubject HRDEV197_1mm \
--tval 03222007_4TT_clindem47/surf/rh.thickness_to_HRDEV197.mgh --hemi rh
mri_surf2surf --s HRDEV197_1mm --sval \
03222007_4TT_clindem47/surf/rh.thickness_to_HRDEV197.mgh --tval \
03222007_4TT_clindem47/surf/rh.thickness_to_HRDEV197.fwhm15.mgh --fwhm 15 \
--hemi r
mri_surf2surf --s HRDEV197_1mm --sval HRDEV197_1mm/surf/rh.thickness --tval
HRDEV197_1mm/surf/rh.thickness.fwhm15.mgh --fwhm 15 --hemi rh
fscalc.fsl HRDEV197_1mm/surf/rh.thickness.fwhm15.mgh -sub \
03222007_4TT_clindem47/surf/rh.thickness_to_HRDEV197.fwhm15.mgh \
HRDEV197_1mm/surf/tp1_min_tp2.thickness.mgh --surf HRDEV197_1mm rh
I get the following error:
** ERROR: nifti_convert_nhdr2nim: bad dim[1]
** ERROR (nifti_image_read): cannot create nifti image from header
** ERROR: nifti_image_open(HRDEV197_1mm/surf/tmp.fscalc.fsl.23248/s1): bad
header info
Error: failed to open file HRDEV197_1mm/surf/tmp.fscalc.fsl.23248/s1
Cannot open volume HRDEV197_1mm/surf/tmp.fscalc.fsl.23248/s1 for reading!
It's weird, because I did exactly the same thing with a different subject tp1
and tp2 two days ago and it worked great!
Thanks for the help!
Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
MGH-NMR Center
Phone Number: 617-724-2358
Fax: 617-726-7422
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