

When trying to do a single-subject vs. group qdec study with covariates,
I always get errors, such as:


ERROR: matrix is ill-conditioned or badly scaled, condno = 1e+08

Possible problem with experimental design:

Check for duplicate entries and/or lack of range of

continuous variables within a class.


This error seems quite sensible to me, and I understand why the GLM is
unable to deal with it, but is there any way I can "force" it to use the
covariates on the single subject, such as is possible in SPM5? Doing
uncontrolled analyses are fine (I wouldn't trust the controlled data
very much anyway) but it would, in theory anyway, eliminate the hassle
of coming up with a well-matched control group for these kinds of


Any help would be appreciated; thanks as always.


Victor Laluz : Imaging Coordinator : UCSF Memory and Aging Center


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