Hi Caroline,

can you replicate this problem? Does it always happen for this subject? If so, please send me the data and I'll fix it.

On Fri, 7 Dec 2007, Caroline Chapman wrote:

Hi Bruce and all,

Thank you for your help. Bill Monaco emailed and let me know that this happened to him as well. He suggested running the '-autorecon2 -autorecon3' flags on this subject (as opposed to the 'recon-all -all'), and this worked for me!

However, here is the end of the recon-all.log file, where the CA Reg error occured:

pct change decreased
       switching integration type to fixed (done=0)
pct change decreased
       pct change < tol 0.025, nsmall = 1 of 2
pct change decreased
pct change decreased
pct change decreased
pct change decreased
pct change decreased
pct change decreased
pct change decreased
pct change decreased
pct change decreased
pct change decreased
pct change decreased
       pct change < tol 0.025, nsmall = 1 of 2
pct change decreased
pct change decreased
       pct change < tol 0.025, nsmall = 1 of 2
pct change decreased
       pct change < tol 0.025, nsmall = 1 of 2
       pct change < tol 0.025, nsmall = 2 of 2
       switching integration type to fixed (done=1)
pct change decreased
       pct change < tol 0.025, nsmall = 1 of 2
       pct change < tol 0.025, nsmall = 2 of 2
setting smoothness coefficient to 0.40
blurring input image with Gaussian with sigma=2.000...
rms increased - undoing step...
blurring input image with Gaussian with sigma=0.500...
pct change decreased
rms increased - undoing step...
setting smoothness coefficient to 1.00
blurring input image with Gaussian with sigma=2.000...
pct change decreased
       switching integration type to fixed (done=0)
rms increased - undoing step...
       pct change < tol 0.025, nsmall = 1 of 2
blurring input image with Gaussian with sigma=0.500...
pct change decreased
       swSegmentation fault
ERROR: mri_ca_register with non-zero status
Linux node0052 2.6.9-42.0.3.ELsmp #1 SMP Fri Oct 6 06:21:39 CDT 2006 i686 athlon i386 GNU/Linux

recon-all exited with ERRORS at Wed Oct 24 07:03:49 EDT 2007

Thank you,

On Thu, 6 Dec 2007, Bruce Fischl wrote:

Hi Caroline,

can you send us the end of the recon-all.log when it fails?

On Thu, 6 Dec 2007, Caroline Chapman wrote:


I am having trouble with one subject during the recon-all process. It has failed twice at CA Reg:

status file for recon-all
Thu Nov  8 15:11:20 EST 2007
[EMAIL PROTECTED] MotionCor Thu Nov  8 15:11:20 EST 2007
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Nu Intensity Correction Thu Nov  8 15:18:50 EST 2007
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Talairach Thu Nov  8 15:21:26 EST 2007
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Intensity Normalization Thu Nov  8 15:23:01 EST 2007
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Skull Stripping Thu Nov  8 15:30:05 EST 2007
[EMAIL PROTECTED] EM Registration Thu Nov  8 15:33:05 EST 2007
[EMAIL PROTECTED] CA Normalize Thu Nov  8 15:42:54 EST 2007
[EMAIL PROTECTED] CA Reg Thu Nov  8 15:45:14 EST 2007
Linux node0052 2.6.9-42.0.3.ELsmp #1 SMP Fri Oct 6 06:21:39 CDT 2006 i686 athlon i386 GNU/Linux

The brainmask, orig, and talairach look okay. Any ideas why this might be failing?


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