1) What is the easiest way to obtain peak vertex information from a given cluster?
2) For a given sig.mgh file, is there a command which outputs a list/text file
of all clusters present?
The --sum option allows you to provide a name for the textfile it will
generate containing information about each cluster. In the text file,
each row will have a MaxVert field.
mri_surfcluster ... --src <inputfile>.mgh --sum <sumfilename>.sum
3) Is there a way to restrict the clusters displayed in the sig.mgh file to
clusters of a given # of vertices or larger?
--minarea area
"Minimum surface area (in mm^2) that a set of contiguous vertices must
achieve in order to be considered a cluster."
Robert P. Levy, B.A.
Research Assistant, Manoach Lab
Massachusetts General Hospital
Charlestown Navy Yard
149 13th St., Room 2611
Charlestown, MA 02129
phone: 617-726-1908
fax: 617-726-4078
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