Hi Leila,

I just wanted to let you know that I took a look at the parcellation snap
shots you sent along (the rostro-lateral views of the frontal cortex)
using V3 and V4 and it seems from these that at least for the superior,
and middle frontal gyri, the V4 image is indeed more accurate (i.e.
follows the contours of sulcal boundaries) than the V3 image. There indeed
is some variablity between the V4 and V3 versions as the V4 version should
be more anatomically accurate than the prior version.

Hope this is of help,


> Hello,
> Is there any paper talking about the variability of the used methods (on
> reconall )? Especially the parcellation? If I reprocess one subject 10
> times
> with the same Freesurfer version, should I expect the same result for
> parcellation?
> The freesurfer version that I use is stable3
> I tried to see if the parcellation of the new Freesurfer version is
> similar
> (visually) to the stable3, and it was very different, is the parcellation
> method the same in both version?
> thanks
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