Hi Greg,

Nick programmed all the makefile stuff, so we'll have to wait until his return next week to get this resolved. Can you use the traditional flags?


Greg Harris wrote:

Dear FreeSurfers,
I am trying to be a user of 'recon-all -make all'.  The method stops when it
attempts the step 'recon-all -s $(subj) -hemi lh -finalsurfs'.  The problem
at that point is that the file mri/brain.finalsurfs.mgz does not exist.  The
command to create this file, the only possible command if we go through rec
on-all, is 'recon-all -s $(subj) -maskbfs'.  Doing this command by hand
after the error permits a repeated 'recon-all -make all' command to continue
happily.  One plausible place to fix this is in bin/recon-all.makefile, at
or about line 83-84:

   recon-all -s $(subj) -normalization2
   recon-all -s $(subj) -maskbfs

i.e. add the step for making the brain masked brain.finalsurfs.mgz file
after the -normalization2 step.  Would this be correct, and should I do this
or something like it?

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