
actually each .annot file has a color table embedded in it. The parcellation value is packed into an rgb value, and stored for each vertex in the .annot file (r+b<<8+g<<16). There is matlab code to read in the .annots if you want. To find the outline you just find the set of all vertices that have different annot labels from one of their nbrs.


On Wed, 13 Dec 2006, XJ Kang wrote:


I asked a question about the parcellation map a couple of days ago. Here is the question again:

The color table for the parcellation is in stats/aparc.annot.ctab, and the labels for surface vertices are in label/lh.aparc.annot. How the vertex vertex label values and the color tables are related each other? Or any way to figure out which parcellation include which vertices? Also, parcellation can be displayed in "outline" mode in tksurfer. Any way to find the outline points quickly? Thank you for your time.

XJ Kang

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