Hello, I am in need of some help.  I have spent the last two days trying to
get fsl and freesurfer to play well together.  I have the newest version of
FSL installed and it works perfectly.  I then installed freesurfer per the
instructions listed in the wiki. After these steps, freesurfer works, but
fsl won't open.  I get this error message:

MINC_LIB_DIR    /usr/local/freesurfer/mni/lib
GSL_DIR        /usr/local/freesurfer/lib/gsl
TCLLIBPATH     /usr/local/freesurfer/lib/tcltktixblt/lib
MISC_LIB       /usr/local/freesurfer/lib/misc/lib
FSL_DIR        /usr/local/freesurfer/fsl
Marc-Yelles-Computer 1% echo $FSLDIR
Marc-Yelles-Computer 2% fsl
Error in startup script: no suitable image found.  Did find:
        /usr/local/freesurfer/lib/tcltktixblt/lib/libtix8.1.8.4.a: unknown
type, first eight bytes: 0x21 0x3C 0x61 0x72 0x63 0x68 0x3E 0x0A
       /usr/local/freesurfer/lib/tcltktixblt/lib/libtix8.1.8.4.a: unknown
type, first eight bytes: 0x21 0x3C 0x61 0x72 0x63 0x68 0x3E 0x0A
   while executing
"load /usr/local/freesurfer/lib/tcltktixblt/lib/libtix8.1.8.4.a Tix"
   ("package ifneeded" script)
   invoked from within
"package require Tix"
   invoked from within
"if { [ info exists env(TCLTKSHELL) ] &&  $env(TCLTKSHELL) == "wish" } {
   package require Tk
   package require Tix
   tix configure -scheme TixGr..."
   (file "/usr/local/fsl/tcl/fslstart.tcl" line 3)
   invoked from within
"source [ file dirname [ info script ] ]/fslstart.tcl"
   (file "/usr/local/fsl/tcl/fsl.tcl" line 71)
   invoked from within
"source ${FSLDIR}/tcl/${origname}.tcl"
   (file "/usr/local/fsl/bin/fsl" line 21

I tinkered with the setupfreesurfer.csh and the freesurferenv.csh files and
got it to list FSL_DIR as usr/local/fsl but the program still wouldn't work.

If I comment out the two freesurfer lines in my .cshrc file, fsl works
perfectly once again.  My only guess is that there is a problem with both
fsl and freesurfer having tktcl libraries.  But my understanding of UNIX,
etc is somewhat limited.  Below I have also attached my .cshrc :

set path = (/usr/X11R6/bin $path /sw/sbin /sw/bin /Users/marcyelle/bin)
set prompt="`hostname -s` \!% "
source /sw/bin/init.csh
source /usr/local/rsi/idl_5.6/bin/idl_setup
setenv IDL_PATH "<IDL_DEFAULT>:+/usr/local/rsi/idl_5.6/local_lib"
setenv FREESURFER_HOME /usr/local/freesurfer
source $FREESURFER_HOME/SetUpFreeSurfer.csh
setenv FSLDIR /usr/local/fsl
source ${FSLDIR}/etc/fslconf/fsl.csh
setenv PATH ${FSLDIR}/bin:${PATH}
unsetenv LANG

Thank you in advance for your assistance, I need it!  Sorry for the long
email, I simply wanted to give you as much info as I could.  Take care.


Marc D. Yelle 
Dept. Neurobiology and Anatomy
Wake Forest School of Medicine
Medical Center Blvd.
Winston-Salem, NC 27157


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