Hi Daniel,
Is it possible to get the original dicom data? You said the data were
already processed by Freesurfer when they got to you, so maybe whoever
gave them to you can point you to the whereabouts of the raw dicom files?
On Tue, 20 Sep 2005, Daniel Goldenholz wrote:
Hi Bruce
I am not sure that I have the original dicom files. I did find a file called
COR-.info in mri/orig/
This is the filedump... Perhaps this has the answer?
imnr0 1
imnr1 256
ptype 2
x 256
y 256
fov 0.256000
thick 0.001000
psiz 0.001000
locatn 0.000000
strtx -0.128000
endx 0.128000
strty -0.128000
endy 0.128000
strtz -0.128000
endz 0.128000
tr 0.000000
te 0.000000
ti 0.000000
ras_good_flag 1
x_ras -1.000000 0.000000 0.000000
y_ras 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000
z_ras 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000
c_ras -10.110786 29.012054 -11.469879
Bruce Fischl wrote:
Hi Daniel,
you need to look at your original data (e.g. dicom files). You can mri_info
to tell you.
On Tue, 20 Sep 2005, Daniel Goldenholz wrote:
Hi. I was handed some data analyzed with freesurfer, and I would like to
know what is the exact resolution of the T1 mri, i.e. 1.25mm x 3mm x 2mm
for example.
Where can I look in the freesurfer folder to find out?
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