the COR files will always be 1mm isotropic, since we resample the data
to ensure it is
On Tue, 20 Sep 2005, Daniel Goldenholz wrote:
Hi Bruce
I am not sure that I have the original dicom files. I did find a file called in mri/orig/
This is the filedump... Perhaps this has the answer?
imnr0 1
imnr1 256
ptype 2
x 256
y 256
fov 0.256000
thick 0.001000
psiz 0.001000
locatn 0.000000
strtx -0.128000
endx 0.128000
strty -0.128000
endy 0.128000
strtz -0.128000
endz 0.128000
tr 0.000000
te 0.000000
ti 0.000000
ras_good_flag 1
x_ras -1.000000 0.000000 0.000000
y_ras 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000
z_ras 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000
c_ras -10.110786 29.012054 -11.469879
Bruce Fischl wrote:
Hi Daniel,
you need to look at your original data (e.g. dicom files). You can mri_info
to tell you.
On Tue, 20 Sep 2005, Daniel Goldenholz wrote:
Hi. I was handed some data analyzed with freesurfer, and I would like to
know what is the exact resolution of the T1 mri, i.e. 1.25mm x 3mm x 2mm
for example.
Where can I look in the freesurfer folder to find out?
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