-b doesn't seem to work. The command is below, and the format of the output, 
are below. Is this a bug? 

mris_anatomical_stats -l 1000027_lh_roi.label -b -log roi.log 1000027 lh white

% 1000027: <wm vol> <surf area> <gray vol> <thick mean> <thick var> <integ 
rect. mean curv> <integ rect. Gauss curv> <fold index> <intr curv ind>
592393  124     321     2.582   0.698   0.068   0.022   4.448   0.588

-----Original Message-----
From:   Bruce Fischl [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent:   Sat 9/17/2005 10:33 PM
To:     Fornito, Alexander
Cc:     freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
Subject:        RE: [Freesurfer] anatomical stats
try -b

On Sat, 17 Sep 2005, Fornito, Alexander wrote:

> I can create a log file, but in the output, the numbers are out of alignment, 
> so you can't easily figure out what each number refers to. Is there some 
> preferable output format or suffix that I can add to the log file name to 
> adjust this?
> Also, I can't seem to use the -f flag to create a table. 
> mris_anatomical_stats runs, but there is no table file output at the end. Is 
> this only for the annotation table (I'm using custom labels)? An example 
> command I've tried is:
> mris_anatomical_stats -mgz -l roi.label -f roi_table 1000001 lh white
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bruce Fischl [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Fri 9/16/2005 9:51 PM
> To:   Fornito, Alexander
> Cc:   freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
> Subject:      Re: [Freesurfer] anatomical stats
> p.s. the flags should always come before the mandatory command line args.
> On
> Fri, 16 Sep 2005, Fornito, Alexander wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm using the 20050905 distribution and it seems like mris_anatomical_stats 
>> is trying to look for cor files, when I've run my analyses using mgz. Is 
>> there a way to change this, or have I got it wrong?. Here is the output
>> mris_anatomical_stats 1000001 lh white
>> reading volume 
>> /data/flanders/work/alex/freesurfer/subjects_fe/1000001/mri/wm...
>> corRead(): can't open file 
>> /data/flanders/work/alex/freesurfer/subjects_fe/1000001/mri/wm/COR-.info
>> mris_anatomical_stats: could not read input volume 
>> /data/flanders/work/alex/freesurfer/subjects_fe/1000001/mri/w
>> Also, I've been having trouble using the -f and -log options (the program 
>> runs, but I can't seem to create an output file) with some other surfaces 
>> (that I have used cor with). Could you pls give me an example of how to use 
>> these flags in the command line?
>> I tried:
>> mris_anatomical_stats 1000027 lh white -l 1000027/label/1000027_roi.label -f 
>> roi_stats.log
>> (and I also tried putting the options right after mris_anatomical_stats).
>> Thanks,
>> Alex
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