On Wed, 17 Nov 2004, Joongnam Yang wrote:

> Thanks, Kevin
> So, I guess there is nothing special about retinotopy data, but the
> functionl overlay
> that I got doesn't look right. (not much activation) 
> Here is the two steps that I've done for the functional data before I
> overlay it onto anatomical data.   Any comments are appreciated.
> 1. use "mricro" to turn functional data into Analyze format (*.img and
> *.hdr).
> 2. use "mri_convert" to turn the Analyze format data into *.bfloat to use
> them
>     in functional overlay.
> I guess that something is missing. That is I did not include anything about
> the experimental design, e.g., 1 2 1 2 1 2, or 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4, etc.
> Where do I include such information in the analysis?
> I know where I put the design info in FSL, but not here in Freesurfer?

What do you want to do with them? Most people who use FreeSurfer
analyze their functional data in SPM, FSL, AFNI, FSFAST and then map
their results to the surface.


> Nam.
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