Thanks, Kevin So, I guess there is nothing special about retinotopy data, but the functionl overlay that I got doesn't look right. (not much activation)
Have you tried playing with the thresholds, in the View->Configure->Functional Overlay dialog? I'm not sure if they will be set up properly for your data.
I guess that something is missing. That is I did not include anything about the experimental design, e.g., 1 2 1 2 1 2, or 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4, etc. Where do I include such information in the analysis? I know where I put the design info in FSL, but not here in Freesurfer?
You'll have to bounce that question back to the freesurfer list, as that isn't something I work on at all. Sorry!
-- Kevin Teich
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