I need the clarification of analyze 7.5 format in sagittal flipped case.   I just found that it is different from
the one I used for freesurfer.   I used Graham version from his web site:

wideman-one.com/gw/brain/analyze/formatdoc.htm has

hist.orient Mayo name Voxel[Index0, Index1, Index2]
Index0 Index1 Index2
0 (default) transverse unflipped R-L P-A I-S
1 coronal unflipped R-L I-S P-A
2 sagittal unflipped P-A I-S R-L
3 transverse flipped R-L A-P I-S
4 coronal flipped R-L S-I P-A
5 sagittal flipped P-A S-I R-L
Note: Index0 is fastest-varying (innermost-nested) index, Index2 the outermost.
Index0..Index2 are often called X, Y, Z, but I am trying to avoid confusion with spatial coordinates. 

I found that  http://nifti.nimh.nih.gov/dfwg/nifti_revised.html has

vs. qform_code: The ANALYZE-7.5 format indicated 3D orientation with the 1 byte code orient, which was to be interpreted as
0 = transverse-unflipped R→L P→A I→S
1 = coronal-unflipped R→L I→S P→A
2 = sagittal-unflipped P→A I→S R→L
3 = transverse-flipped R→L A→P I→S
4 = coronal-flipped R→L S→I P→A
5 = sagittal-flipped P→A I→S L→R
Note that the second and third axis of "sagittal flipped" are flipped ;-)

Yasunari Tosa, Ph.D.
R&D Engineer				email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Mass. General Hospital NMR Center	phone:  		
Building 149
13th Street			        fax  :
Charlestown, MA 02129

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