Hi Mark,

it looks like the pial surface is extending too far. When 
mris_make_surfaces starts it prints out a bunch of information about 
detected intentis limits. The interesting ones for your purposes will be 
max_gray_at_csf_border, min_gray_at_csf_border, and max_csf. It seems like 
it thinks gray matter should be darker than it is. If that's the case, you 
can explicitly set these bounds on the command line of mris_make_surfaces 
with (e.g.) -max_csf <max csf val>. Pretty much all the intensity bounds 
can be set manually in this way.


p.s. it is beautiful looking data.

Bruce Fischl                       email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Mass. General Hosp. NMR Center.    tel:(617)-726-4897
Rm. 2328, Building 149, 13th Street fax:(617)-726-7422
Charlestown, MA 02129   USA

On Mon, 2 Jun 2003, Mark A. Pinsk wrote:

>  i had a beautiful white matter surface of a monkey brain, all fixed up and ready 
> for final surface creation.  For some reason, after I ran "Make final surface", the 
> pial surface made some strange mistakes that ruined the entire thing.  How can I fix 
> this, or prevent this from happening?  I will try to attach snapshots of a few 
> coronal slices so you can see what I'm referring to.
> thanks!
> Mark
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