Hi everybody,

>> So the task would be to translate 5000 snippets of
>> French, are there any GrafX2 fans who feel in the
>> mood to help FreeDOS as source "interpreters"? :-)

> Nobody?
> Cheers,
> Robert

Good news! Yves Rizoud has contacted me and asked me
to forward the following to you. To get in touch with
the GRAFX2 community, you can either write him at
gmail.com (yrizoud) or the google group, which does
accept posts from non-subscribers but probably would
make your email address visible if you post there?

In short, GRAFX2 is very alive on 32 bit systems and
most of the sources have been translated. There is a
toolkit to make translation of comments AND things like
variable names easier and it works with the old sources
but as far as I understand translation has happened in
the post-DOS age of GRAFX2. So you would have to apply
the tool to "backport" the translations to DOS. Also,
the DOS version compiles with Watcom C 10.6 plus TASM
plus Borland Turbo Pascal 7, so I hope there are fans?

The software requires DPMI, default dos4g/weoslite (?)
but you can probably compile it for 386: All assembly
language sources are free of floating point things and
only rgb2hl uses double, the rest is happy with float.

The current versions of GRAFX2 no longer have Pascal
(compile time?) helpers, so there are no translations
for those, but as mentioned before, the Pascal source
code does not have many comments anyway ;-)

So here is what Yves writes, in two forwarded emails.

Great that he caught our discussion and has a large
part of the ingredients for a solution available :-)
If you check wikipedia, you see GRAFX2 is doing fine.

Regards, Eric

PS: I wonder how portable the current SDL / GCC version
would be back to DOS, if Rugxulo needs a challenge ;-)

In 2009, after porting Grafx2 to SDL, I translated the
source code to english: Functions, variables, macros.

I made lists of french / english identifiers, and a PERL
script that can perform the change intelligently in C sources.

The entire toolset is still available online, for example here:


I just tested the utility on the original MS-DOS sources (from
here: https://www.bttr-software.de/freesoft/graphics.htm#paint ),
including the ASM files, and at first sight it seems to give a
correct result.

I am sure there will be a few misses, because some ASM functions had
probably been deprecated at the time, but this is good for 99%.

However I have never had any environment that could compile the
original C (Borland, watcom?) and assembler, so I cannot help there.

Here is an upload of the modified files:


(the translator script saves each original file to .bak)

The original sources are under GPL v2, our further work was
GPLv2 as well, and I put this specific perl script in public
domain. Let me know if I can help more!

Yves Rizoud

I won't be able to follow the freedos group, so if you could
please post/forward the mail this would be fine, and for
further questions anyone can write to gra...@googlegroups.com
(lurkers don't have to subscribe, the posts and answers are
public at https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/grafx2 )

After 2009 we changed too much stuff in the source code to
make it portable back to DOS, but apparently the "translation
tools" that I wrote at the time are generic enough to work
even on the DOS sources. So, if anyone wants to recompile
the DOS version ("v2.0 beta 96.5%", the last MS-DOS version,
released on GPLv2), and it requires troubleshooting, at least
the sources can be given english names for all functions and
variables. The perl script simply loads the two lists of names
in french.txt and english.txt, and performs the replacement
while taking care of word boundaries.

The word-for-word conversions are pretty good, because I had
worked on the program for several months before I started it,
so I had a pretty good idea of what everything was doing, and
I took the opportunity to enforce a consistent coding standard.

The file that I uploaded at file.io is just this : the result
of "original DOS source files" when I run the translate script
over *.C *.H and *.ASM It is still possible that I broke
something, for example if I made the name of a function too
long, or a translated name conflicts with a reserved name
for the orginal compiler (at the time we had ported to GCC),
or I broke the original CRLF file endings.

I have no translation for the Pascal files (for the
configuration utility) because we integrated the
functionality in Grafx2 itself.


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