Excerpts from Jim Hall:

> I'm glad you mentioned this! DOS dominated office environments, so there
> are a lot of great office applications for DOS.

> There's a real push right now for "distraction-free office environments"
> that let you put all your attention to writing, or working on a
> spreadsheet, or whatever. And DOS does that *very* well. My favorite DOS
> spreadsheet is AsEasyAs, and I still believe that AsEasyAs can do (almost) 
> everything I use LibreOffice Spreadsheets for. If I had to, I could
> probably do all my spreadsheet work in AsEasyAs. And I can take my AsEasyAs
> spreadsheet file and import it into LibreOffice Spreadsheet and continue
> working on it there.

> And for example, George R.R. Martin still uses a DOS computer and WordStar 
> 4.0 to write his Game of Thrones books. George finds this is a great way to
> write! If I wanted a distraction-free word processor, I'd probably use 
> WordPerfect - but that's just my preference because I used WP for so long.  

> **browsing*

> This is much harder to do on DOS. If you just want a plain HTML experience,
> DOS web browsers like Dillo can do the job. Depending on your needs, Links
> might work too. But many websites rely on Javascript for their
> functionality, and DOS web browsers aren't up to that task.

I used Quattro Pro 5 for DOS, including FreeDOS, long after it was gone from 
the market.

But Quattro Pro 3-dimensional spreadsheets (.wq2 ?) are practically 
non-importable into MS-Excel or anything else including Gnumeric.  WordPerfect 
was a nice DOS word processor.

I haven't used any web browser recently in DOS but have used Links with 
graphics, not sure about Dillo.  I also used Links 2 and Dillo in FreeBSD and 
NetBSD, Linux too.  These browsers seem to do as well in FreeDOS as in Linux, 
NetBSD and FreeBSD, meaning not very well.  Otter Browser is better, but I 
don't think that has been ported to FreeDOS.

Now I am disappointed to see an overuse of HTML on this emailing list.  Maybe 
it's difficut to avoid when posting from a mobile phone with email apps that 
don't support plain text.


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