On 2/2/2015 4:47 PM, Knute Myhrvold wrote:
> Dennis,
> Thank you kindly.
> Actually, I have to admit that I have already installed that
> FreeDOS-Fractint.ova into my VBox.  When I type the command "dir" into it it
> shows FRACTINT along with the other normal FreeDOS files.  But I still can't
> get it to RUN Fractint.  Supposedly if I just type FRACTINT and then Enter,
> that should do it (right?)... but it doesn't.
> It's crazy, or maybe I am.  But I'm not giving up; will write to David
> Riccio to seek tips.
I gave you already the answer as to why it doesn't work. You are missing 
out at a very basic part of absolute basic DOS usage. The purpose and 
function of a PATH in DOS...


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