On 2/2/2015 9:37 AM, Knute Myhrvold wrote:
I did: type FRACTINT at the command line... have tried that several times.
Well, good old Albert Einstein is attributed to shave said "It is insanity to do the same thing over and over again and expect different results"
Was I in the proper Folder? I thought so... after typing "dir fractint" FreeDOS did display the many files there, including "FRACTINT.EXE". I then typed FRACTINT and again it didn't run.
Well, if you do a "dir fractint" then you are only listing the contents of that folder, looking at it, nothing more...
And I have been studying DOS, esp. looking for commands that would run/open/execute Fractint. So far, nothing has worked.
Well, looks like one of those tutorials that I mentioned would indeed a good idea. Because you seem to have missed out on some very basic concepts of DOS (or other non-GUI OS).
Rather than anything else, could you please just say exactly what you would type as a command in VB FreeDOS to get Fractint to run?

To make it clear, this is nothing VirtualBox or FreeDOS specific, it is rather "DOS 101", at the most basic level...

You need to understand the concept of folders and the concept of a "path" to a file or folder. That includes, as I already tried to elude to, the PATH variable and directive.

Your problem is that you are in a folder one level above the fractint folder and the fractint folder is not included in your PATH environment variable (which tells DOS where to find executables). To remedy this, you can either include that path to the factint.exe executable to your PATH variable or you can change into the right folder by executing the CD (or CHDIR) command, a very basic internal DOS command around since DOS 2.0. Then almost magically, you will be able to execute your fractint.exe file...


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