
I did:  type FRACTINT at the command line...  have tried that several times.
Was I in the proper Folder?  I thought so... after typing "dir fractint" 
FreeDOS did display the many files there, including "FRACTINT.EXE".  I then 
typed FRACTINT and again it didn't run.
And I have been studying DOS, esp. looking for commands that would 
run/open/execute Fractint.  So far, nothing has worked.
Rather than anything else, could you please just say exactly what you would 
type as a command in VB FreeDOS to get Fractint to run?
Thanks, I appreciate your time.
  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Ralf Quint
  To: freedos-user@lists.sourceforge.net
  Sent: Monday, February 02, 2015 9:08 AM
  Subject: [Bulk] Re: [Freedos-user] How to run Fractint in FreeDOS in 

  On 2/2/2015 5:18 AM, Knute Myhrvold wrote:

    I want to run Fractint, an old DOS fractal image generater.
    I used to run it on Win95, 98, and NT, and it will run on some 
WinXPmachines, but not mine.
    So I have installed VirtualBox and finally successfully installed FreeDOS 
as a Guest in it... in the Settings I put FRACTINT.EXE and all its accompanying 
files into a "Shared Folder" for FreeDOS.

    But I still can't run Fractint.
    *(The Shared Folders are  C:\DOS\fractint\FRACTINT.EXE )

    The bottom of the running FreeDOS window shows C:\>_
    By typing "dir" I see that FreeDOS DOES show Fractint!
    By typing "dir fractint" I see that FreeDOS lists the scores of files in 
the Fractint Folder, including "FRACTINT.EXE".

    But that's as far as I have gotten... HOW do I get FreeDOS to RUN Fractint? 
 How is it done?

  Just like you run ANY DOS program! Simply by typing FRACTINT at the command 
line given that
  a) you are in the factint folder on your virtual disk or
  b) that folder that contains FRACTINT.EXE is in your PATH

  In general, it seems you should learn the very basics of how DOS works, I 
guess any of the many DOS tutorials that are out there will do just fine.

  Beside that, it might still be possible that while that factint program will 
"run", it might not produce the output you expect, as it might require a 
graphics mode/driver that, at least by default, may or may not work in 


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