
On Sun, Oct 14, 2012 at 9:57 AM, Michael B. Brutman
<mbbrut...@brutman.com> wrote:
> Regarding the makefile errors - I do not compile in DOS.  My preferred
> DOS machine is an 80386DX-40 and compiling using OpenWatcom crushes that
> machine.  It is far more productive to work in Windows or Linux and
> cross compile for 16 bit DOS.  I was unaware that there was a problem
> with the makefiles - I am willing to simplify them to make them work
> with OpenWatcom under DOS if there is a need, but this was the first
> time I have heard that there is a problem.  (I am also willing to modify
> FDNPKG to use mTCP as an experiment if there is a possibility that it
> might use mTCP long term.)

I have not tried recompiling mTCP, but I assume it's a common issue.
Usually it says "Arg list too long" if you are using DOS/4GW and/or go
beyond 120 or 126 bytes. If the program with the problem is wcc /
wcc386 / wlink or similar proper OpenWatcom tool, you can put an
asterisk in front in your makefile, and it will adjust to stuff in and
read from env. vars. instead:

CC = *wcl386
LD = *wlink

N.B. I found this out a while back when trying to compile NASM in pure
FreeDOS with OpenWatcom. For other uses, wmake has various support for
here docs / %append or whatever to support command files.

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