> ... With my own testing I found JEMMEX more compatible than XMGR or
> HIMEMX + JEMM386 in various cases, but on other systems it's different,
> as Mike mentioned ...

To WHAT "incompatibilities" are you referring??

Be advised of the following --

1) JEMMEX/JEMM386 use "old" memory-test schemes, to remain compatible
    with that never-updated 130K atrocity known as MS-DOS EMM386!   If
    using the JEMM drivers, specific "I=nnnn-nnnn"/"X=nnnn-nnnn" lines
    may be needed to avoid "new-style" areas of memory -- "I=Test" and
    "X=Test" might not be enough.

2) "XMGR + JEMM386" or "HIMEMX + JEMM386" should give nearly the same
    results for available memory.   HIMEMX may find about 9K more, for
    it allows use of certain ACPI areas, while XMGR does not.   But 9K
    bytes is not a big difference, given today's 4-Gigabyte systems!

3) "UMBPCI + XMGR" may well give far bigger differences in the memory
    it finds for use, since in this case UMBPCI "detects" upper-memory
    and XMGR then uses what UMBPCI found.   I did not write UMBPCI but
    I believe its memory-test algorithms ARE rather different than the
    ones used in JEMM386/JEMMEX.

4) "UMBPCI + XMGR + JEMM386" can also be used, when one allows UMBPCI
    to scan for "normal" upper-memory (C8000h-EFFFFh) and only desires
    JEMM386 to "map" the B0000-B7FFFh monochrome video space for extra
    upper-memory.   But NOTE that this will NOT work using FreeDOS, as
    FreeDOS allows but ONE upper-memory "provider" and will not add-up
    the memory found by UMBPCI and JEMM386.    MS-DOS V6.22 and V7.10+
    allow multiple "providers" and will do such an add-up.

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