
> First of all, let me clear one MISUNDERSTANDING ... The EMM386
> that works ok is from Michael Devore, which was extensevely
> tested by the members of FreeDOS.
> Most of your answer regards Gates & Co. product, sorry for the
> confusion

NEITHER a "misunderstanding", NOR any "confusion", at least not
in MY mind!   Do note what I posted AFTER my comments about the
EMM386 drivers from my [obviously] "much adored" Gates & Co. --

>> ... I also want NOTHING to do with FD-EMM386 and anyone who
>> wonders why can read the Revision Notes for JEMM386, to view
>> all of what Japheth had to do BEFORE poor old FD-EMM386 worked
>> even "plausibly" as the new JEMM386!

"Extensively tested", you say??   If so, and given that the last
FD-EMM386 upgrade is still dated 27-Aug-2006, then how would you
explain all the updates, in Japheth's "Changelog" for his JEMMEX
and JEMM386 drivers, that are dated AFTER 27-Aug-2006??!!

Also, note that JEMM386/JEMMEX are now part of the FreeDOS "Base
Software" list, while FD-EMM386 is no-longer so included.

I have reviewed Japheth's "Changelog", I believe much of what he
had to do changing FD-EMM386 to JEMM386 are "Flat-Ass DISASTERS"
and I shall continue to AVOID using FD-EMM386, just like I would
avoid the PLAGUE!!

> About the A20 issue.   I used it because I had a very strange
> problem:  After a crash (with only XMS) the machine never booted
> again from the disk!!!   I had to boot once from a CD and reboot
> again from the disk.   That never happened to me and is completely
> unheard of ...

I suggest that a lot of other things besides the "A20" line could
have caused such a problem.   In my opinion, you need quite a bit
more "evidence", BEFORE you can fault the "A20" line only because
your crash appeared to occur "with only XMS"!!

Jack R. Ellis

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