Eric Auer schrieb:
> Hi! Off-list reply from me:
> Basically most of the information can be summarized by
> giving the DevelSound and that other sound related URL
> in the drdoswiki, so maybe you could post those along
> with a summary of what can be found there in a mail to
> this thread here? The summary because people might use
> google to find sound-relevant mails in the list archive
> and it would be good if they had a chance to be pointed
> to those two wiki pages in their search results :-)

Sorry, I don't see what else should I write. The link is on the list and
the informations in the wiki. What else?

> I agree that people who are not "into" dos will not
> want to improve VSB for fun. On the other hand, there
> was some effort to collect funds to make people like
> Japheth, Tom, Georg, Arkady (just examples!) do it.

You mean the thread in bttr?

> Honestly, I think it will always be a lot of work so
> you will not be able to REALLY pay any coder...

Do you avoid the question of YOUR price?

> You are right that I should at least try VSB once,


> as
> even if it only works without emm386 and only with the
> internal PC speaker it will still be more useable than
> covox-only.
It was used in a time as not everyone could purchase a soundcard, but
today no one will use it.

> Or does VSB already support PC speaker?
Didn't work for me for anything.

> I also wonder whether it would be easier to start from
> "scratch" by porting dosemu sound code into a JLM.

or the DOSBox code...

Don't know which is better but I think it is the DOSBox one.

> It
> would be interesting to hear from Japheth how well the
> JLM interface is suited for simulating I/O port based,
> ISA DMA accessible and IRQ generating devices...

Why not mail him?

> Maybe
> you can somehow convince him to give an overview of
> what and how is possible and what not.

I don't know enough about the technical details, this means I am not
able to ask a questions with sense. The general knowledge is in the wiki.

> I mean that JLM
> is a nice idea, but he never really advertizes it for
> use by any programmer apart from himself it seems ;-)

Yeah, we need advertisers, advertisers, advertisers!!!

Seriously, where and how he should advertise it?

> Eric
> PS: The dosemu-JLM approach would also start with PC
> speaker for output if you ask me, but could port MPX-
> PLAY or even Alsa drivers for hardware. Pity that I
> have nothing which works with MPXPLAY right now :-!.

> PPS: That said, MPXPLAY and Arachne are probably the
> two most "wished to be resurrected" DOS projects now.

The sound project not?

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