> would be interesting to hear from Japheth how well the
> JLM interface is suited for simulating I/O port based,
> ISA DMA accessible and IRQ generating devices... Maybe
> you can somehow convince him to give an overview of
> what and how is possible and what not. I mean that JLM
> is a nice idea, but he never really advertizes it for
> use by any programmer apart from himself it seems ;-)

Yes, and there's not much internal documentation about it. You have to get  
the Windows 98 DDK to do anything useful with it, because neither the  
functions common to Windows's VxDs nor the ones new to JLMs are documented  
by Japheth. The source of JLOAD (which seems to contain most of the actual  
services) is not (yet?) available though I also didn't request it (yet)  
 from Japheth.


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