Okay, if you've been following the VDS bouncing ball, be aware there is now
a new EMM386 test release, called emmchimp.zip at
ftp.devoresoftware.com/downloads/emm386 which does fix the problem using
the VDS option of EMM386 on the original problematic HP Pavilion laptop.
How do I know? Because Mark Bailey sent the unhappy machine for testing
here, which arrived today. I subsequently found a bug in the VDS
scatter/gather lock function (8105h) which causes failure if the passed
address to be processed is not aligned on a 4K boundary.
I would like anyone who has had a problem with VDS -- judging by feedback
that being Gerry Hickman, Bernd, and untold legions of lurkers -- to try
this version of EMM386 and see if VDS works for them. If we're all
astoundingly lucky, this test release fixes everything. If not, you need
to tell me. In fact, you really need to tell me either way.
I unilaterally crown Mark Bailey as FreeDOS User Of The Month for shipping
a nice laptop to some crusty bastard he doesn't even know and trusting me
to actually send it back. In fact, I feel so big-hearted and benevolent
about the whole thing I won't be invoicing FreeDOS International
Incorporated for the $40 USB floppy drive I purchased since the damn laptop
BIOS didn't have an option to boot from my FreeDOS flash stick.
Oh yeah, like last three times, as an unofficial release this means no
visible version changes, no EXE compression, no redistribution as an
official-type release, no fooling.
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