At 01:46 PM 8/7/2005 +0100, Gerry Hickman wrote:
I then rebooted without VDS and everything worked correctly.
I then rebooted with VDS again, and everything was messed up.
Thing is, I have no idea what VDS is for, and don't know if I'd ever need it!
When VDS becomes a default option, either the SCSI incompatibility needs to
be worked around (possibly by a special SCSI detection sequence), or else
you will need to turn off VDS through a NOVDS option. Theoretically, a
SCSI drive could need VDS support to run drivers in which are loaded in
upper memory, although I'm not sure SCSI can always peacefully co-exist
with EMM386. It's famously incompatible with MS EMM386 in certain situations.
Consequently, it would be nice to get your SCSI-based machines -- and any
others with problems -- working with VDS option present, if possible.
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