
Sorry about that, I believe I only messed up on my first reply, and I thought I mailed that to the list as well after I noticed I messed up.

Thing is, I'm used to replying to mailing lists using the "Reply" button and unfortunately the reply doesn't go to the mailing list when I do that... Some people don't like it when you send it to the mailing list and CC it to them personally, but since you apparently do, I'll just use reply-all from now on.

Sorry again about the mistake,


Jeremy Chadwick wrote:
On Tue, Aug 05, 2008 at 03:16:41PM +0200, Sebastiaan van Erk wrote:
Sorry for forgetting to paste the smart details. Pressed send too quickly.

A note for the list: Sebastiaan and I are discussing the details
off-list.  I don't know if he forgot to CC the list on his replies, or
if he intentionally sent them to me directly.  :-)

Just thought I'd make note of that here, in case readers wonder what
becomes of this issue.

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