Hi, Thanks for the reply.
Jeremy Chadwick wrote:
Yes, most of the Silicon Image ICs I've read about have odd driver problems or general issues (even under Windows). The system rebooting is an odd one; you sure your PSU can handle two disks?
Well, I've got a 450W Asus PSU in there, but I've also got 6 hard disks and 1 dvd-rom drive (mostly inactive) in there. The hard disks are mostly 250/300GB but the two new ones are 1TB SATA drives. But the 450W should easily be enough, shouldn't it?
Does anybody have experience with a (preferably not too expensive) 2-port SATA expansion card which does not have any issues running under FreeBSD 6.3/7.0?Promise makes some consumer-priced cards which work very well under FreeBSD (sos@ has full documentation on their cards).
Their RAID controllers (the consumer-level ones) **do not** require that you use RAID; they support JBOD, and the disks will show up under FreeBSD as ad(4) devices. (If you choose to use the RAID, you'll still see the ad(4) disks, but you'll also see an ar(4) device too. This has the added advantage of you being able to monitor SMART stats on the disks themselves directly, etc...
I'll have a look at that if I can't get this one stable. They're reasonably priced, so if they're good with FreeBSD then that looks like a good option to me.
[pciconf -lv output][EMAIL PROTECTED]:10:0: class=0x018000 card=0x35121095 chip=0x35121095 rev=0x01hdr=0x00 vendor = 'Silicon Image Inc (Was: CMD Technology Inc)' device = 'Sil 3512 SATALink/SATARaid Controller' class = mass storage [/var/log/messages before the crash]Aug 5 11:16:14 piglet kernel: g_vfs_done():mirror/gm1s1e[WRITE(offset=111376236544, length=16384)] error = 6Aug 5 11:16:17 piglet last message repeated 9 timesAre you sure this is being caused by the controller? Have you checked SMART statistics on both disks? Assuming error == errno, errno 6 is "Device not configured".
I did look at the smart stats [pasted them below]. What I will try next is just to switch the two 250GB SATA drives on my main board with the two 1TB drives on the controller and see if I still get the problems if I really increase the load on the two 1TB drives.
There's been recent discussion of such messages being caused by the use of gmirror or gjournal, when the mirror/journal is improperly set up. (In one users' case, he was receiving similar errors, as well as the filesystem failing during fsck. Turns out he incorrectly configured journalling, which nuked the last ~1MB of his UFS filesystem.) I'm not saying this is the reason for the messages you see, but it's something to keep in mind.
I'll try reconfigure the geom. I used an online tutorial, but I'm not quite sure that I did everything correctly, though fsck worked alright. I did do this one differently than usual though, usually I use full disk mirror after I already initialized one of the disks, and then I convert it to a mirror by using: sysctl kern.geom.debugflags=16 gmirror label -v -b round-robin gm0 /dev/ad0 gmirror insert gm0 /dev/ad2 (Especially useful when you want the entire FreeBSD install to be mirrored). I guess I can try this on the extra disks as well. Regards, Sebastiaan
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