Jo Rhett wrote:

I'd said nearly a dozen times that the issues I have aren't specifics. I am questioning the overall policy for EoL here.

Your concerns have been noted. You seem unwilling or unable to accept the explanation that no matter what you think about the situation, we don't have the resources to support 6.2.

Furthermore, according to the vast number of people with way more experience and way more hardware running 6.3 than you have (jhb from Yahoo! alone qualifies in this category, but he wasn't alone) your concerns are in fact, misplaced.

To drive this thread even further into the realm of uselessness, you seem to be dead set on replying to every single post, saying basically the same thing over and over, and not listening to anything anyone is telling you.

So I would like to suggest that you simply stop. Enjoy your trip. When you come back if you have specific concerns about your EXPERIENCE running 6.3 (or later) on your specific hardware, fire away.



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