On Fri, Jun 06, 2008 at 12:08:54PM -0400, Vivek Khera wrote:
> On Jun 4, 2008, at 4:43 PM, Clifton Royston wrote:
> > Speaking just for myself, I'd love to get a general response from
> >people who have run servers on both as to whether 6.3 is on average
> >more stable than 6.2.  I really haven't gotten any clear impression as
> I'll throw in my "+1" for running 6.3.  I have it on many boxes, some  
> of which run gmirror and some of which have bge devices (some with  
> both).  Never any problems.  They operate things varying from Postgres  
> servers to DNS servers to mail servers (postfix) under pretty  
> consistent load pushing lots and lots of data both network and to disk.

I'll second your "+1" for 6.3 and raise you a 7.0.  My main
server is a 1U Dell box with bge network interfaces and it's
as happy as a clam under 7.0 (infrequently updated _STABLE,

All of my more single-use boxes are happy 7_STABLE campers, too.

Most of 'em are close to 0 load average, but they're important,
continuously used by their smallish user base, and stay up.


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